Fact Investigation

Comprehensive Fact Investigation for Building Strong Legal Defenses

BWI offers comprehensive fact investigation services to support attorneys in building robust defenses for our clients. Our approach includes meticulous review and analysis of documents, recordings, reports, and other materials provided during discovery to identify any missing information. BWI conducts thorough background checks on all parties involved, which is crucial for impeaching witnesses when necessary. We also perform extensive media reviews, encompassing traditional news outlets and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, to gather pertinent information. Client meetings and interviews, locating and interviewing witnesses, and investigating facts provided by clients and witnesses are integral components of our process.

In addition to these services, BWI produces detailed work products such as timelines, witness lists, case synopses, forensic analyses, photograph analyses, and exhibit preparations, including PowerPoint presentations. We review audio and video recordings and collaborate with attorneys to determine the necessity of additional experts, coordinating efforts to strengthen the client’s defense. BWI’s seasoned fact investigators are committed to leaving no stone unturned, ensuring that attorneys are equipped with the critical information needed to effectively defend their clients.

Our Fact Investigation Services Include the Following

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